Section 3
This alignment procedure refers to Uniden 8719 and 8734 chassis using an 11.3258 MHz crystal.

Alignment: Align L19, L21 and the loop filter as per the general alignment procedure.

Fig. 25 - Parts Location

NOTE: The following adjustments are not normally necessary.
Alignment of Offsets
      Radio Control Settings:
      Clarifier - centered
      Mode - USB
      DS-400 - 27.155
1. Connect a frequency counter to TP-1.
2. Adjust L59 for a frequency of 34.9565 MHz ±20 Hz.
3. Turn the mode switch to AM and adjust L23 for 34.9550 MHz ± 20 Hz.
4. Set the mode switch to LSB and adjust L22 for 34.9535 MHz ±20 Hz.
5. Connect the frequency counter to TP-3. Set the mode switch to USB and align CT2 for 7.8015 MHz +5 Hz -0 Hz.
6. Set the mode switch to LSB and align for 7.7985 MHz +0 Hz -5 Hz.

This completes the alignment procedure