Section 2
Uniden SSB Radios (858)
This section describes the installation of the DS-400 to the earlier Uniden
858 SSB radios.
1. Remove the transceiver and 400 cases.
2. Locate and identify Pin 11 of the PLL chip-normally close to the channel
selector in the transceiver (see Fig. 9). Solder the center of Coax #1
to Pin 11 of the D858 PLL Chip. Use caution and avoid excessive heat as
it will damage the PLL Chip.
3. Locate and identify 8158 15K ohm resistor that connects Pin 2 of D858
and Pin 3 (see Fig. 9). Remove the 10.240 crystal (X5) from the radio.
9 - Parts Location (D858 SS13 Chassis)
4. Remove the one
side of 8158 that is connected to Pin 2 of the D858 PLL Chip and install
the center of Coax #2 to this lead of 8158 as per Fig. 9.
5. Connect the ground shields of both coaxes to ground. (Example: see
Fig. 9).
CAUTION: Avoid excessive lead length.
6. Locate and identify C126, a 1 mfd capacitor, and inglall a 20-22 gauge
jumper wire across it's leads to remove it from the circuit.
7. Connect the black wire from the 400 to a good ground point in the radio
near the power supply or modulator section. Radio circuit ground.
8. Connect the 12 volt red wire to the foil marked #184 located near the
transmit-receive relay which is operational on receive only.
This completes the
installation procedure. Before operation, the DS-400 must be programmed
and the radio must be realigned. Go to the programming section and proceed.